
Early Bird period: March 21st – July 4th

Normal period: July 5th – July 15th


Early Bird
Normal Period
Early Bird
Normal period
Senior (Academic, Industry)150€230€75€125€
Accompanying person90€150€
Gala Dinner55€65€
Presential: Includes presential attendance at lectures and companies stands, promotional material, coffee-breaks, lunches and welcome cocktail. Gala dinner is not included and can be booked separately. Excursions will be booked directly to the leisure agency at the beginning of the symposium (there will be different options with promotional discount). Attendants will also receive an attendance certificate.

Virtual: Includes attendance at lectures via streaming, online contact with companies and attendance certificate.

Accompanying: Includes coffee-breaks, welcome cocktail. Gala dinner and excursions can be booked separately.

Students: Will be required to provide a proof of being enrolled in an university, training school or similar. Fellowship will be available to selected students to cover their registration fee. Presenting a communication and its quality will be valorated in order to select the receptors of the fellowships.

Registration may be performed through this link. Payment may be made by account deposit or credit card.


Students must complete registration (through above link), and also send a proof of studentship through the following form. They can also indicate if they are interested in being eligible for a fellowship.

If you have any doubt, you can contact us at